::: Adele Stephens :::

  • Подписчики: 65 подписчиков
  • ID: 9196035
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ВНИМАНИЕ! ПОДАВАЯ ЗАВКУ НА ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ В ГРУППУ ИЛИ ПРОСМАТРИВАЯ ЕЁ МАТЕРИАЛЫ, ВЫ ТЕМ САМЫМ ПОДТВЕРЖДАЕТЕ, ЧТО ВАМ УЖЕ ИСПОЛНИЛОСЬ 18 ЛЕТ. Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, Adele began modelling as a Page 3 girl in London. Her natural beauty propelled her into stardom and she was soon modelling for the mainstream designer Ralph Lauren. In 1993 she returned to porn to pose for Playboy. Over the next 10 years or so she appeared in many Playboy features and specials. Adele is one of the most successful and long lasting model in the business today with her long legs, natural full tits, hourglass figure and beautiful looks. She brings a classiness to every video and shoot she is in as well. Known as Adele Stephens in the UK, she is better known in the US as Adele Stevens. Adele also runs her own website called adele-stevens.com